I Eat What I Shoot

Restaurant Photography

February 9, 2018

Food Photography

I have been a frequent afternoon cookie consumer from a bakery regularly pass by in the Hayes Valley neighborhood of San Francisco for some time now. It was several trips into the relationship when I realized that it is actually a social enterprise, which means it employs and trains people with disabilities, who are homeless or at-risk. What? That means that eating my afternoon cookie helps support this cause. It sort of makes eating their cookies guilt-free. I said “sort of.”

They source ingredients locally and partner with local businesses. Hey, I am a local business. So, heck yes, I was in to partner for a new set of photographs. I had a blast styling their baked goods and shooting all the details. I had to take a bite so there was a photo with a bite out of a cookie, the shoot would not have been complete without it, right? And of course my friends and I ate the product when I was finished. While, I am not a hunter, I do eat what I shoot.

Food Styling for Bakery

If you are a food blogger, a chef, a restaurant owner or a producer of a culinary delight, and am in the market for some food photography, I have expanded my prop collection and am happy to build a package to meet the needs of your business or restaurant. I am Foodtography Certified and welcome packages of your goods sent to my house or an invitation for me to come to you with my camera.

Want me to shoot photos for you?



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