Feed Your Creativity

Food Photography

July 5, 2017

Albert Einstein said “The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources.” While, that may be partially true, I think that there are a ton of sources for your creativity right in front of you that perhaps you are not aware of. Let me point a few out for you.

Earlier this week, an article I wrote on feeding creativity for Belong Magazine was published. Belong Magazine aims to be a map for creatives to use their passions for a purpose, among other things. And I hope that this article provides directions for all of you who take on more than one project at a time and feel like there is too much on your plate.

You can read the full article here. After you have read it, follow Ray Bradbury’s advice on being creative… he said “You simply must do things.” Let all those things fuel your creative spirit.

P.S. I have this free lock screen, in case you need a reminder. You can grab it here. Just click the link and the image will pop-up full size (without the phone and leaves), so that you can save it to your camera roll and choose that for your lock screen and/or your background image and get a reminder to embrace everything around you because everything can feed creativity. Literally, everything—even the yucky stuff, so hang in there.

lock screen


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