A Really Big Deal


February 17, 2017

Earlier this week, a girlfriend of mine made a statement that I latched onto. I wrote it down before I would forget what she said. Then, I lettered it in my Journaling Bible so that I would be sure to know where it is. She announced that “The way we love each other is a big deal to Jesus.” She is right.

faith based art

There is a reason the notion of loving others comes up in the Bible again and again. To ensure that we get it, it is taught in a variety of contexts… love one another, love your neighbor, love each other, love (our) brother. Because it is really important.

It is more than doing something because we are told to do so. I am told via speed limit signs that I should drive under a certain speed, but I consistently push it a few miles over. Despite leash signs, my dog has experienced off leash walks when he and I were out on a trail with nobody in sight.

It is doing something because it means so much to someone who really loves you. Like the way the boys in my family put on a collared shirt for dinners with my mom, or how my daughter took the time to hand letter my name on my Christmas present before putting it under the tree. Yeah, those two examples may seem small, but so it letting that person with only three things (or the lady with three whining kids) go before you in the grocery store line. Smiling and saying hi to strangers is a start, then you can move onto genuine acts of service.

Another act of loving kindness is prayer. Nobody has ever told me “no thanks” when I said that I would pray for them. Knowing that I am in someone’s prayers fills my heart. James chapter 5 tells us to “pray for one another,” so get on it.

The Bible tells us to love each other. That alone should make loving each other a priority for all believers.


Hebrews 13
John 13
John 15
Romans 12
1 Thessalonians 4
1 Peter 1
1 Peter 4
1 John 3
1 John 4
2 John 1


Leviticus 19:18
Matthew 5
Matthew 19
Matthew 22
Mark 12
Luke 10
Romans 13
Galatians 5
James 2

Did I miss any Bible verses on this topic? If you can think of one, please comment with the passage!


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